- SEO Domain Names

Price - $1,699
Domain Name
Domain Age 14 years
Category Business or Career
Sub Category Advertising
Language English 
URL Rank
Domain Rating
Backlinks 40,279
Referring Domains 2417
Domain Overview

AdBux paid people to view websites, complete offers, sample products, signup for free trials, play games and shop online. It also advertised other people’
s websites, ran auctions and promoted affiliate programs. The backlink profile of this domain includes,, and several other international websites. Suggestive niches: Advertising and Marketing.

Most Common Anchors
  • 1. Adbux
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. click here
  • 5. ad Bux
Niche Comprehension
According to UN trade and Overall, global e-commerce sales jumped to $26.7 trillion in 2019, up four per cent from a year earlier, the UN number-crunchers noted, citing the latest available estimates. In addition to consumer online purchases, this figure includes " business-to-business" (B2B) trade, which put together was worth 30 per cent of global gross domestic product two years ago.development experts UNCTAD, the e-commerce sector saw a " dramatic" rise in its share of all retail sales, from 16 per cent to 19 per cent in 2020.
Possible Monetisation Options
Setup a eCommerce Site
Affiliate marketing website
Setp a Blog and Sell sponsored posts
Trust Flow
Topical Trust Flow
Society/Religion and Spirit... (17)
Computers/Programming/Langu... (12)
Arts/Design (7)
Computers/Internet/On the W... (6)
Citation Flow